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Explore The Beach

Sunday, May 12, is this year’s day to celebrate Mom on Mother’s Day. Where and...
Here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, we consider Memorial Day weekend the official start to...
Sensory-Friendly Autism Beach Surfside
The Grand Strand boasts some of the most beautiful beaches you will ever visit! The...
beach easy beer
Welcome to the sun-kissed shores of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where the ocean breeze carries...
Did you know that Myrtle Beach has a Minor League Baseball team? The Myrtle Beach...
The Sky Wheel in Myrtle Beach with Red and Blue Autism Colored lights
The month of April is special for families with autism — it is a national...
Summer is just around the corner! As you plan your trip to the Myrtle Beach...
Easter Eggs laying on a field for an easter egg hunt
It’s almost Easter!! There is always something to do at the beach but when you...
Oceanfront Campground aerial at sunrise
Fall is the perfect time to reconnect with the nature around you at a campground...
Easter is just around the corner but there are plenty of other fun things going...
Family Fishing on Pier in Myrtle Beach
South Carolina’s Grand Strand is home to some of the most bountiful natural beauty in...