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Litchfield Beach, South Carolina

A Beautifully Sophisticated Retreat

Established in 1978, Litchfield Beach continues to be popular with residents and visitors alike because of its quiet, natural beauty. Here you’ll find world-class golf courses, fine dining, and a relaxed pace of life. Soft sand and sea oats take center stage as beaches are more sparsely populated here. Thus, a long walk along the shore is a perfect way to erase all of life’s cares. Plus, runners, walkers, and bikers enjoy the 26-mile-long Waccamaw Neck Bikeway, which is part of the East Coast Greenway. For them, there is no better way to experience the natural beauty of this unique beach area.

Beyond The Beach: Explore Litchfield Beach, SC


Litchfield Beach is nestled between Huntington State Park and Pawleys Island. Just a short drive south of Myrtle Beach, this beach town is worth a visit.

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Places to Stay

Litchfield Beach is a quiet beach town with charming places to stay, like The Oceanfront Litchfield Inn, along with condos and other beach homes. 

Quigley's beer flight with branded coaster

Places to Eat

With over 2,000 restaurants across the 14 communities in the Grand Strand, the options of where to eat are endless. Litchfield Beach is known for their delicious family-friendly options ranging from fresh seafood to BBQ, like Quigley's Pint and Plate

Things to Do

Explore the natural beauty of Litchfield Beach by kayak or paddleboard, and watch for a variety of bird species that live in the area. Grab a good beach read and enjoy the waves rolling in from your beach chair. Or hit the golf course for a lovely day under southern oak trees and along saltwater marshes at the best golf courses in the US.