Experience The Beach
60 Miles of Pristine Sand
Whether it's your first visit or one of many, we want your time along The Grand Strand to be both enjoyable and memorable. There are a few things that each visitor needs to know about traveling to our area - the rules and regulations of our area, beach and pool safety tips, etc.
Beach Safety Tips
With tens of thousands of people swimming in the ocean and pool daily during the summertime, the Myrtle Beach area has an excellent safety record. But it's important to take proper precautions whenever near water. Here are a few water safety tips to make sure your visit to one of the many beaches or pools in the Myrtle Beach area is as fun and as safe as possible. Read all the safety tips for a fun day at the beach below!
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Beach Wheelchairs
In North Myrtle Beach and Surfside Beach, beach-going wheelchairs are available for use at no cost. There are also many accessible beach access points throughout the Grand Strand.
Tides and Conditions
Check the tide chart in the link below for current information on the beach tides and conditions.
Parking And Parking Meters
The link below provides more information on parking and parking meters in Myrtle Beach.