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Explore The Beach

Before you come to town, be sure to get your Autism Travel Card which offers...
Sensory-Friendly Autism Beach Surfside
The Grand Strand boasts some of the most beautiful beaches you will ever visit! The...
No need to feel blue on a rainy day! I know the feeling of disappointment...
The Sky Wheel in Myrtle Beach with Red and Blue Autism Colored lights
The month of April is special for families with autism — it is a national...
Surfside Beach was the first town in the nation to become autism certified. Autism certification...
Summer is just around the corner! As you plan your trip to the Myrtle Beach...
Sensory-Friendly Travel: Cornhole at Myrtle Beach State Park
Summer is a magical season filled with warm sunshine, joyous moments, and opportunities for unforgettable...
Longtime visitors to the Grand Strand tend to always have a few ‘must do’s’ on...
Sensory-Friendly Autism Ripley's Aquarium Sloths
Ripley’s Aquarium is one of the most autism-friendly and beautiful attractions to visit. During their...
Family Fishing on Pier in Myrtle Beach
South Carolina’s Grand Strand is home to some of the most bountiful natural beauty in...
When I was homeschooling my son, who is autistic, one of my favorite parts of...
The Grand Strand welcomes autism families with open arms! Autism mom and founder of Champion...