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Sensory-Friendly Summer Activities in Myrtle Beach

  By  Leslie Perkins
Sensory-Friendly Travel: Cornhole at Myrtle Beach State Park

Summer is a magical season filled with warm sunshine, joyous moments, and opportunities for unforgettable family adventures.
It is a time when memories are made and connections are strengthened. For families with children on the autism spectrum, finding autism-friendly activities can make all the difference in creating a truly inclusive and memorable summer. It can be challenging to enjoy the season if you struggle to find activities to keep your family entertained. Thankfully, you don't have to look far to find many activities that are sensory-friendly in Myrtle Beach. The city offers a wide range of autism-friendly summer activities, ensuring an enjoyable and inclusive experience for everyone.

Go See a Movie

Grand14 at The Market Common understands the importance of creating inclusive experiences for individuals with sensory sensitivities. They offer sensory-friendly movie screenings at a discounted rate. These specially designed screenings create a welcoming environment by reducing the volume and dimming the lights, making it comfortable for individuals with autism to enjoy their favorite movies. The thoughtful consideration given to sensory needs ensures that everyone can fully immerse themselves in the magic of the big screen. By providing their sensory-friendly screenings, Grand14 enables families to enjoy their movie theater experience without worrying about overstimulation. Grand14's commitment to providing accessible and inclusive entertainment makes it an ideal destination for families seeking inclusive summer activities. Enjoy the discounted beverages and snacks while you're there!

Play at Savannah's Playground

Also located in The Market Common area of Myrtle Beach is Savannah's Playground. This playground is the perfect summer activity for families with energetic ones! This inclusive playground is thoughtfully designed to accommodate children of all abilities, including those on the autism spectrum. Savannah's Playground provides a safe and welcoming environment, featuring wheelchair-accessible equipment and sensory play areas that cater to the diverse needs of children. Savannah's Playground is equipped with restroom facilities, nearby picnic areas, and quiet spaces to take a break when needed. The playground's inclusive design fosters a sense of belonging, allowing children with autism to engage in play, socialize, and form meaningful connections with their peers. Be sure to bring sunscreen, water bottles, and a few dollars for the nearby ice cream trucks!

Go to the Beach at One of the State Parks

For a more relaxed summer experience, immerse yourself in the natural beauty surrounding Myrtle Beach. Huntington Beach State Park and Myrtle Beach State Park offer serene environments for nature lovers. With their picturesque beaches and nature trails, these parks offer sensory-friendly environments that promote relaxation and exploration. The parks offer a variety of nature trails, each showcasing the unique ecosystem of South Carolina. Along the trails, children can engage their senses by observing different plants, listening to the sounds of nature, and feeling the gentle touch of the coastal breeze. Kids can spot unique wildlife like alligators and bald-head eagles at Huntington Beach State Park, and they can explore the nature center at Myrtle Beach State Park. These sensory experiences foster curiosity, stimulate the mind, and create lasting connections with the natural world. Your family won't forget the time spent at these parks.

Kids playing in the water with boogie boards at Huntington Beach

Whether you are searching for a quiet activity or something for your sensory seeker, Myrtle Beach has got you covered. You don't have to look far for activities the entire family can enjoy! By embracing inclusivity, Myrtle Beach creates a memorable experience for each and every family. Go out and enjoy all the city has to offer!

Leslie Perkins

Leslie Perkins grew up outside of Raleigh, North Carolina but has lived in Myrtle Beach since 2016. She graduated from East Carolina University in 2012 with a B.A. in Public Relations and Communication. Leslie is an active realtor, mother of three, autism advocate, and adoption advocate. She enjoys exploring the Low Country with her kids, walking her golden retriever, and sipping a great cup of coffee on her front porch.