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Explore The Beach

People usually visit the beach for a nice stroll, to lay out in the sun...
If you're looking for a fun and affordable family vacation, Myrtle Beach state parks are...
With a long tradition of live music at honkytonks, seafood shacks and large clubs alike...
Southern charm and family friendly pretty much sums up Myrtle Beach. Hosting over 20 million...
Here at the beach, we take our seafood pretty seriously. I’ve continued our series of...
There’s nothing wrong with sitting in a beach chair all day watching the waves, but...
Family playing on the beach
Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce is helping to protect visitors with Autism, Down Syndrome...
The Remarkable Story of how A Southern Times Square Came To Be Ever since December...
Whether you have a history buff on your list or you are a history buff...
Are you ready for our “free-for-all”? Before you begin any of your activities in Myrtle...
The most quintessential thoroughfare in Myrtle Beach is Ocean Boulevard. It is lined with some...