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Explore The Beach

You may not know that Myrtle Beach is known for more than our beaches and...
Each Black History Month, we’re offered the opportunity to further our understanding of the Black...
hurricane hazel aftermath
If you had to pick one year to signify Myrtle Beach’s coming of age, 1954...
Before there was beach music (read about the history of beach music ) or people...
For me, being in Myrtle Beach IS being home for Christmas. For those of you...
2024 marks the 80 th anniversary of one of the most significant days during World...
Mickey Spillane
The day after Pearl Harbor was attacked on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a young comic...
South Carolina’s native son, Darius Rucker, receives one of the glitziest honors in the entertainment...
Conway, South Carolina is slowly gaining more of a reputation as the years pass by...
For ninety years, the Grand Strand has enjoyed the freedom of imbibing after Prohibition was...
When World War II was underway in Europe, but our country had yet to enter...
world war 2 memorial at warbird park
When the United States finally saw the end of World War II in 1945, it...