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Explore The Beach

We believe that everyone can find where they belong at The Beach! We recognize that...
Couple walking in Brookgreen Gardens with flowers
The honeymoon is the grand finale on a bride and groom’s wedding checklist. And, as...
It can be challenging and intimidating to play an 18-hole golf course when you are...
Myrtle Beach is one of the most famous beach destinations in South Carolina —with plenty...
Chicken and Waffles from Croissants with syrup drizzled on top
Brunch happily lives in the day between breakfast and lunch – and Myrtle Beach has...
Exploring all that there is to see and do on the Grand Strand is one...
Man and dog walking on the beach at sunset
It’s safe to say that our pets benefited greatly from all the humans working from...
Gary Player, one of the greatest golfers of all time once said: The more I...
Vintage picture of Bowery near Boardwalk
The Myrtle Beach landmark, The Bowery , opened in 1944 for our visitors, locals and...
While Myrtle Beach has only been officially around since the early twentieth century, there is...
Bird Watching at Huntington Beach State Park
In our minds, more daylight equals more fun! There are so many activities at The...
Man playing pickleball
Besides the name itself, pickleball is known to be a fun, social and friendly game...