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Explore The Beach

Sandy beach path at Huntington beach state park
Myrtle Beach is not only a golfer’s or beach lover’s paradise, but it is also...
You are vacationing with your family this summer in Myrtle Beach, and you want to...
Crooked Hammock Family Games
It’s that time of year to celebrate Dad on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19! And...
The Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area is noted for amazing wildlife and for those who...
When I first visited Myrtle Beach over 30 years ago, my first thoughts were automatically...
Bird Watching at Huntington Beach State Park
Can you think of a better place for bird watching? Here on the Grand Strand...
We are taking this week (and every day!) to appreciate the great outdoors and to...
Man playing pickleball
Besides the name itself, pickleball is known to be a fun, social and friendly game...
There’s nothing wrong with sitting in a beach chair all day watching the waves, but...
Are you ready for our “free-for-all”? Before you begin any of your activities in Myrtle...
When traveling with children, parents quickly learn the value of a good playground. And thankfully...