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Explore The Beach

Did you know that Myrtle Beach has a Minor League Baseball team? The Myrtle Beach...
beach easy beer
Welcome to the sun-kissed shores of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where the ocean breeze carries...
Summer is just around the corner! As you plan your trip to the Myrtle Beach...
golden knights parachute
It’s back for the 69 th time this year! The annual Sun Fun Festival is...
The Carolina Country Music Festival (CCMF) is headed back to The Beach from June 6-9...
Golf Galaxy - golf drivers laying on grass
When it comes to sports titles, the one synonymous with Myrtle Beach is Golf Capital...
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of Muzika! The Grand Strand Music Festival returns...
chris and rob gronkowski
Rob and Chris Gronkowski, both previous NFL football players, grew up coming to Myrtle Beach...
pop stroke aeriel
The legacy of miniature golf continues in Myrtle Beach with the newly opened PopStroke...
Couple walking under the pier in Myrtle Beach
Dunes Beach and Golf aerial location of 2024 Myrtle Beach Classic
If you read my blogs, you’ve noticed that I’m passionate about golf and I personally...