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Explore The Beach

Military Appreciation Parade during Memorial Day Weekend
What is now the Market Common District was once the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base...
One of the biggest struggles we had when traveling with our son was finding accommodations...
Cinco de Mayo is always a great reason to celebrate and indulge in some of...
Bird Watching at Huntington Beach State Park
Can you think of a better place for bird watching? Here on the Grand Strand...
We are taking this week (and every day!) to appreciate the great outdoors and to...
Old Sun Fun Photo of Parade Float with Chamber Logo
Since 1951, Myrtle Beach’s rite of summer has been the annual Sun Fun Festival. Traditionally...
Myrtle Beach aerial of coastline with SkyWheel
There are so many special reasons to visit The Grand Strand with a child who...
Riptydz Rooftop
Visitors seem to love downtown Myrtle Beach for all the right beach-town reasons; the ocean...
While the water may be a little too cold for some people right now, it...
Dino Thompson Flamingo Grill
Few locals have a biography more intertwined with Myrtle Beach’s history than Dino Thompson. When...