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Explore The Beach

Carolina Country Music Fest
If you are strolling on the boardwalk or are cruising along North Ocean Boulevard, when...
Myrtle Beach isn't only famous for its beautiful beaches and vibrant atmosphere; it's also a...
Every day is a good day to explore some of the great indoor activities the...
Huntington Beach State Park Kite Festival
Spring is coming and so are the great events at The Beach! As the weather...
The Myrtle Beach Boardwalk stretches nearly two miles along the beautiful beaches in the highly...
Across the 60 miles of the Grand Strand, there is a vast array of Farmers'...
Mike Chestnut in front of Big Mike's Soul Food
The Myrtle Beach area has been impacted tremendously by Black history and continues to be...
Are you spending St. Patrick’s Day weekend at The Beach? Lucky you! The Grand Strand...
The all-star lineup of waterfront restaurants along the Murrells Inlet MarshWalk is ready to serve...
Each Black History Month, we’re offered the opportunity to further our understanding of the Black...
Dunes Club hole 9 - Credit Golf Tourism Solutions
There's always something new and exciting happening at The Beach! Here are a few of...
Exploring all that there is to see and do on the Grand Strand is one...