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Explore The Beach

Across the 60 miles of the Grand Strand, there is a vast array of Farmers'...
The Myrtle Beach area really sparkles during the holiday season! From North Myrtle Beach to...
In the Mini Golf Capital of the World, where extremely large and fantastical miniature golf...
Multigenerational Family Reunion at Mini Golf
The month of November and Thanksgiving holiday are a big time for family reunions here...
College athletics are more than just a sport—it's a bond that unites fans across the...
Mini Golf Course at Red Dragon Cove
It’s been a long time since a new miniature golf course has opened along the...
Lulu's Ropes Course in North Myrtle Beach
So you’ve checked the kids’ school schedule and see (with glee) that you have a...
View from Main Stage at Beach "N Chili Fest
Labor Day typically marks the end of Summer, but Myrtle Beach events are just getting...
It may seem that a setting such as a noisy baseball game would be too...
Inside of Ripley's Crazy Golf in Myrtle Beach
Saturday, October 21, 2023, will mark the 44th year that Loris, South Carolina, has hosted...