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Explore The Beach

You may not know that Myrtle Beach is known for more than our beaches and...
Surfside Beach was the first town in the nation to become autism certified. Autism certification...
beach easy beer
Welcome to the sun-kissed shores of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where the ocean breeze carries...
Longtime visitors to the Grand Strand tend to always have a few ‘must do’s’ on...
Easter is just around the corner but there are plenty of other fun things going...
Family Fishing on Pier in Myrtle Beach
South Carolina’s Grand Strand is home to some of the most bountiful natural beauty in...
chris and rob gronkowski
Rob and Chris Gronkowski, both previous NFL football players, grew up coming to Myrtle Beach...
Crooked Hammock Family Games
Spring break is in the air, and we’re here to dish on where you should...