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Explore The Beach

Did you know that Myrtle Beach has a Minor League Baseball team? The Myrtle Beach...
I have so many photos of my son at playgrounds around the country. It didn’t...
Myrtle Beach Marathon
The upcoming Myrtle Beach Marathon will draw around 4,000 runners to the area! Residents and...
Vacationers have been welcomed to the Grand Strand for well over a century. However, during...
Michelle Obama grew up in Chicago, but would travel with her family to Georgetown, South...
Mike Chestnut in front of Big Mike's Soul Food
The Myrtle Beach area has been impacted tremendously by Black history and continues to be...
Each Black History Month, we’re offered the opportunity to further our understanding of the Black...
We are excited that the Myrtle Beach Bowl is BACK on Saturday, December 16, 2023...
Aerial view of Atlantic Beach and skyline
The Grand Strand has a number of significant African American museums and historic sites, several...
Check out these exceptional African American historic sites and museums in and near Myrtle Beach...
College athletics are more than just a sport—it's a bond that unites fans across the...
Kayaking to Waites Island in North Myrtle Beach
When visiting a coastal city, you must go to the beach at some point, but...