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Know Before You Go to The Beach This Summer

  By  Ashley Daniels
Family with boogie boards

The Grand Strand is a very popular destination that attracts millions of visitors throughout the year. With 60 miles of beaches, exciting attractions, and a variety of restaurants, there is something for everyone to enjoy. As the start of summer approaches and Memorial Day holiday weekend, we urge you to keep in the mind the following information and tips when visiting The Beach. Officials from the City welcome visitors and share important information so you can be informed and have a great vacation.

Beach Safety Signs

There are beach safety signs posted at beach access points that explain the different colors of beach warning flags. This can help you know when the surf is too rough for swimming and to look out for riptides. 

Watch for Pedestrians 

It is important to watch for pedestrians, especially in the downtown areas of each of our 14 coastal communities and along the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk. The Myrtle Beach Police Department is committed to the safety and security of visitors and residents for the upcoming summer season.

Practice Water Safety

Children should never swim alone in the pool or the ocean. For more information about water safety at the beach, pool and waterpark, please visit our Blog Post. 

Golf Cart Rules

Golf carts are a great mode of transportation around The Beach, but remember that golf carts are not permitted on Kings Highway. Read this Blog Post if you are curious where golf carts are allowed around Myrtle Beach. 

No Fires or Fireworks 

Fires on the beach and fireworks are not permitted within the City of Myrtle Beach and other areas, except on private property between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Several of the shopping complexes and attractions offer fireworks throughout the summer, such as Broadway at the Beach and Pelicans Baseball games! 

Watch Out for the Sea Turtles 

Myrtle Beach is home to exquisite wildlife – especially sea turtles! To help keep them safe, please only dig holes up to 2 feet in the sand and fill them in before leaving. 

To learn more about the beach regulations such as tent and umbrella rules, parking and more, check out our Beaches pages

The Myrtle Beach Police Department and the City of Myrtle Beach ask everyone to follow the laws and respect others while they are exploring our great city. There will be an increased law enforcement presence, both in uniform and plain clothes, particularly on the Ocean Boulevard and Boardwalk area, focused on speeding, noise, complaints, and disorderly conduct during holiday weekends. Remember – if you see something, say something.

Be safe and have fun! 


Know Before You Go to The Beach This Summer

Know Before You Go! The City of Myrtle Beach Welcomes You

The Myrtle Beach Police Department is committed to the safety and well-being of Myrtle Beach residents and the millions of tourists who flock to the popular destination each year. Please know that summer is a busy time at The Beach, and everyone is expected to follow the laws and show respect to others.

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Ashley Daniels

Ashley Daniels of Myrtle Beach is a full-time freelance writer, editor, wife, and mother of three sons (not necessarily in that order), and two fur babies. A native of Eastern PA, Ashley received her bachelor’s in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and her MA in Writing from Coastal Carolina University. Today, her folio boasts nearly 25 years of regional and nationally published printed magazine features, blogs, and web copy for a lineup of clients on the East Coast, and ADDY award-winning copywriting. For more info, visit