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Top 10 Hotels with Waterparks

  By  Ashlee Carson
Ocean Escape Condos kids playing at waterpark

When you’re looking for a great family-friendly resort in Myrtle Beach there are endless possibilities. The Beach is home to some of the best amenities you will find anywhere. From kiddie pools with sunken submarines to full-sized waterslides, there’s something for all of your favorite swimmers young and old. When your crew wants some excitement here’s a list of our favorite Myrtle Beach resorts with waterparks.

Ashlee Carson

Ashlee Carson grew up in Northwest Ohio but has lived in Myrtle Beach since graduating from the University of Central Florida in Spring of 2006 with a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations. She was a former Public Relations intern at the Chamber of Commerce in the Summer of 2005 where her excitement for writing about Myrtle Beach began. Ashlee has two children, and loves boating, the beach, fishing and exploring everything the Grand Strand has to offer.