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15 Hotels in Myrtle Beach with the Best Lazy Rivers

  By  Shelbi Ankiewicz

One of the best things about being on vacation is convenience. When you visit Myrtle Beach, you’re already at The Beach. Many, if not all, of our hotels and resorts are directly off the beach making it easy access to get to and from. However, not everyone is a fan of the ocean. Or, even if you are an avid beach lover, it’s nice to take a break from the saltiness and the hot sun and spend some time at your hotel.

We’ve rounded up 15 hotels in Myrtle Beach with turquoise-colored lazy rivers, the perfect amenity for laying back and relaxing while on vacation. Some of them are indoors, others outside, some heated and a few of them even have surprises that are planted throughout the ride. These hotels make your stay convenient and enjoyable with access to everything on the property during your stay.

Shelbi Ankiewicz
Shelbi Ankiewicz is a senior at Coastal Carolina University studying communication, journalism, and intercultural studies. She is originally from Montgomery, Alabama, but has resided in Myrtle Beach for 14 years. She is the Editor-in-Chief of CCU's student newspaper, The Chanticleer, and is a member of a two-year leadership program called the Wall Fellows. Shelbi enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling to major cities in the SouthEast, and attending concerts. In her free time you can find her hanging out with her frenchton bulldog, Oma, or visiting the local trails Myrtle Beach has to offer.