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Myrtle Beach Seafood

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Frequently Asked Questions on Seafood

What are some popular seafood dishes I can try in Myrtle Beach?

Some popular seafood dishes in Myrtle Beach include shrimp and grits, seafood platters, crab cakes, and grilled or fried fish.

What are some popular seafood restaurants in Myrtle Beach?

Some popular seafood restaurants in Myrtle Beach include Sea Captain's House, Hook & Barrel, Drunken Jack's and The Claw House.

Are there any seafood restaurants in Myrtle Beach that offer a view of the ocean?

Yes, many seafood restaurants in Myrtle Beach offer a view of the ocean, including The Wicked Tuna, RipTydz and Pier 14

What are some local seafood markets in Myrtle Beach where I can buy fresh seafood?

Some local seafood markets in Myrtle Beach include Mr. Fish Seafood Market, Seven Seas Seafood, and Platt's Seafood.

Are there any seafood festivals or events in Myrtle Beach?

Yes, Myrtle Beach hosts several seafood festivals and events throughout the year, including the Little River ShrimpFest, Blue Crab Festival, and the Myrtle Beach Seafood Festival.