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Explore The Beach

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of Muzika! The Grand Strand Music Festival returns...
Many people know that Myrtle Beach served as the incubator for the greatest country music...
Belk's women's fashions, ladies in blue dresses
To commemorate Women’s History Month in March, we’re recognizing some amazing women-owned businesses in the...
Across the 60 miles of the Grand Strand, there is a vast array of Farmers'...
Are you spending St. Patrick’s Day weekend at The Beach? Lucky you! The Grand Strand...
Mike Chestnut in front of Big Mike's Soul Food
The Myrtle Beach area has been impacted tremendously by Black history and continues to be...
Exploring all that there is to see and do on the Grand Strand is one...
Exploring all that there is to see and do on the Grand Strand is one...
Whether its acoustic guitar soloists on the waterfront strumming your favorite soft rock hits, or...
If you’re lucky enough to have visited the Myrtle Beach area in the midst of...
Check out these exceptional African American historic sites and museums in and near Myrtle Beach...