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Explore The Beach

Did you know that Myrtle Beach has a Minor League Baseball team? The Myrtle Beach...
I have so many photos of my son at playgrounds around the country. It didn’t...
Myrtle Beach Marathon
The upcoming Myrtle Beach Marathon will draw around 4,000 runners to the area! Residents and...
Polar Express Bus Holiday Events in Loris, S.C.
A new initiative known as Downtown Tuesdays started this year in Loris and they are...
We are excited that the Myrtle Beach Bowl is BACK on Saturday, December 16, 2023...
A Southern Times Square celebrates its first decade at The Market Common this year. Click...
College athletics are more than just a sport—it's a bond that unites fans across the...
Kayaking to Waites Island in North Myrtle Beach
When visiting a coastal city, you must go to the beach at some point, but...
Ocean Creek couple on walkway
Aerial of the Myrtle Beach skyline
Our 60 miles of shoreline is home to countless memories made over many, many decades...
Join us as we travel from the top of the Grand Strand to the bottom...