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Hello Avelo!

Fly Nonstop With Avelo Airlines

The New Way To Fly From New Haven To Myrtle Beach

Now flying to Myrtle Beach from Connecticut is simple with Avelo Airlines, who recently added nonstop service from Tweed-New Haven Airport (HVN) from Connecticut to Myrtle Beach. This nonstop flight started May 5, 2022 and operates six days per week: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays (2) and Sundays. With Avelo, you can spend less, travel more, and travel better to your favorite place - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 

Avelo Airlines logo

Flights to Myrtle Beach on Avelo Airlines

Wilmington, DE (ILG): Starts May 3, 2024
Tweed/New Haven, CT (HVN)
Year-round with flights on select days.

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Myrtle Beach Hotel Deals

Plan Your Trip Today! 

We have some great deals on accommodations this Spring and Summer in the Myrtle Beach area. Click here for Myrtle Beach Hotels and Motels, and other lodging options.

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