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Woohoo, vacation! That's our specialty. Tell us a little about the trip you're planning so we can help you with some ideas.
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Murrells Inlet Marsh

Retiree Getaway Guide

Myrtle Beach – or as we like to call it, The Beach – is the ultimate beach vacation for all ages. We invite any and all families, couples, and friends to relax on our 60 miles of pristine beaches – and find where you belong at The Beach!

We have gathered up the best Grand Strand experiences into itineraries that will help you plan your next beach getaway in Myrtle Beach for those age 65 and up. The first itinerary is perfect for spending 60 hours in Myrtle Beach and lists all the restaurants, activities, and tips we recommend. The next itinerary is for those seeking a little more action during their vacation, and the final itinerary is for those who will be always a kid at heart.

Meetings And Groups

If you are traveling with a larger group, our group sales team would be happy to help you make accommodation, transportation and dining arrangements that will satisfy your entire group. Please reach out to our sales team.



Myrtle Beach is Open, Just Please Pack Your Patience

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