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Plan A Road Trip To The Beach

Myrtle Beach is the perfect beach destination for visitors both near and far. If you are planning a road trip to The Beach, we have rounded up itineraries and guides for you and your family to help you prepare for your destination ahead - and get excited for all the attractions, restaurants, and shopping even before you arrive! 

Get out those long packed-away shorts and flip-flops and head to our sunny paradise for average highs in the 70s, endless family activities and 60 miles of beach.

Since you are driving to the area, plan a day trip to one of the 14 communities in the Grand Strand, such as Conway or Murrells Inlet, which are all a short driving distance from Myrtle Beach. Find information on each of the communities in the digital Visitors Guide

And don’t forget to use our Passport to Fun - an easy way for you to discover, enjoy and win! Your Passport to Fun is delivered instantly to your phone via text or email with no app to download, offering a one-touch passport to navigating the best of the Beach. Simply show your phone at participating partners to redeem available experiences or perks. When you check-in to four participating partners you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a trip back to the Beach!

Myrtle Beach is Open! Just Pack Your Mask and Travel Safely!

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