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Sarah Gallo, The Five Foot Traveler
<p><em>Sarah Gallo, better known as The Five Foot Traveler, is one of the world&rsquo;s top travel experts. She works with leading companies, hospitality brands and national tourism boards to help increase their brand awareness, and to promote their travel services and destinations.&nbsp;Sarah is not just a great writer, content creator, and photographer, but she has a passion for travel that literally leaps off the page and helps people share her experiences. During the last 6 years Sarah has visited a remarkable 113 countries on all 7 continents; she has polar plunged in Antarctica, jumped off the world&rsquo;s highest bungy in Macau, learned to dive in the Maldives, trekked to gorillas in Uganda, sailed the San Blas Islands, and even road tripped through Mongolia. Sarah&rsquo;s goal is to help ignite the passion for travel in others and to encourage them to visit the many amazing destinations the world has to offer.</em></p>