Weather, Air & Water Climate Information

Mild temperatures and gentle ocean breezes make the Grand Strand an ideal vacation destination any time of the year.
Average Temperature Highs and Average Monthly Precipitation
(Water and air temperatures based on 30 years of data; in degrees Fahrenheit)
Month |
Air |
Water |
Precipitation |
January |
57.2°F, 14°C |
50°F, 10°C |
4.02" |
February |
60.8°F, 16°C |
51.8°F, 11°C |
3.45" |
March |
68.0°F, 20°C |
55.4°F, 13°C |
4.27" |
April |
75.2°F, 24°C |
64.4°F, 18°C |
3.31" |
May |
82.4°F, 28°C |
73.4°F, 23°C |
3.20" |
June |
87.8°F, 31°C |
80.6°F, 27°C |
4.79" |
July |
91.4°F, 33°C |
84.2°F, 29°C |
5.93" |
August |
89.6°F, 32°C |
84.2°F, 29°C |
6.42" |
September |
84.2°F, 29°C |
82.4°F, 28°C |
6.84" |
October |
77.0°F, 25°C |
73.4°F, 23°C |
4.63" |
November |
69.8°F, 21°C |
60.8°F, 16°C |
3.26" |
December |
60.8°F, 16°C |
55.4°F, 13°C |
4.06" |
Updated February 2024 |
Annual Weather Statistical Averages
(Water and air temperatures based on more than 30 years of data)
Sunny days |
215 |
Overcast days |
150 |
Frost days |
42 |
Days when the maximum temperature is more than 90 degrees |
40 |
Days with .10 inches of rain or more |
77 |
Number of sunny days during an average summer month |
18 |
Number of sunny days during an average winter month |
15 |
Wettest months |
Aug. & Sep. |
Driest months |
May & Nov. |
Hottest day (105 degrees F) |
Aug. 22, 1983 |
Coldest day (4 degrees F) |
Jan. 21, 1985 |
Updated February 2024 |
Additional Weather Information
Tropical Weather News & Updates the latest severe weather alerts, hurricane-related info, etc.
Severe Weather Alerts Updated info on severe weather condition
City of Myrtle Beach Hurricane Preparedness Info What is a Hurricane, Before the Hurricane Season Begins, Weather Reports, Evacuation, During the Hurricane, After the Hurricane, and Naming Hurricane
Horry County Emergency Preparedness Info Frequently Asked Questions, Common Terms, Major Projects, Interesting Facts, Contact Information, and links
Hurricane Information Center Preparing for a Storm, Emergency Telephone Numbers, Evacuation Routes, Shelter Locations