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Pool and Waterpark Safety

  By  Ashley Daniels

While pools do not have a current like the ocean does, a pool or waterpark may seem like a safer option for less experienced swimmers. Many resorts offer pools and waterparks with extravagant slides, lazy rivers, and other exciting features for all ages. It is easy to enjoy a lovely day at the pool or waterpark, while keeping these pool safety tips in mind.

Watch Children

Children can struggle to swim in the pool in a matter of seconds, so it is important to always watch your children while they are swimming and never leave them unattended. When at a waterpark, know where you child is at all times inside the park and keep a close eye on them. It is important to not drink alcohol, look at a phone, or nap while your children are swimming.

Teach Kids to Swim

It is recommended that your child take swimming lessons prior to going on vacation where pools and the beach are the main attractions, even if they teach basic skills in the water. This will better equip your child to know that to do if they find themselves in the water. 

Use Life Jackets

If your child is not a confident swimmer, use life jackets to help keep them afloat. Do not use air filled or foam toys, such as water wings, noodles, or inner tubes as they are not designed to keep children safe from drowning.

Enter Water Feet First

Jumping or diving into too shallow water can cause injuries that are preventable by knowing the depth of the pool and entering the water feet first. Also, notice the signs posted near the pool deck that indicate the depth of the pool. 

Never Swim Alone

Always swim with one friend, at least, so if one person has an issue, the other can help. Many pools and waterparks have lifeguards on duty that will also watch your children in the water. Even for confident swimmers, it is important to use a buddy system to prevent an emergency.

Learn CPR

Everyone, regardless if you have children, should learn CPR for emergency situations. The Red Cross and other organizations offer classes in your hometown and in the Myrtle Beach area to become certified in CPR.

Apply – and Reapply – Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the best protection we have against dangerous UV rays and is the key to enjoying the sun day after day on vacation. Sunscreens need to be reapplied after swimming and seek the shade when possible.

Drownings are preventable, so please take precautions to ensure that you a have a safe and enjoyable trip to the pool and an overall great vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Important Pool Safety Tips

Keep your kids safe at the pool while on vacation in Myrtle Beach by remembering these key safety tips.

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Ashley Daniels

Ashley Daniels of Myrtle Beach is a full-time freelance writer, editor, wife, and mother of three sons (not necessarily in that order), and two fur babies. A native of Eastern PA, Ashley received her bachelor’s in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and her MA in Writing from Coastal Carolina University. Today, her folio boasts nearly 25 years of regional and nationally published printed magazine features, blogs, and web copy for a lineup of clients on the East Coast, and ADDY award-winning copywriting. For more info, visit