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Family on the beach

Testimonials From Families Who've Visited

Many visitors have come to Myrtle Beach to have a sensory-friendly vacation. Learn more about their experiences here in “America’s Beach.” 

Did You Know: Myrtle Beach & Surfside Beach are Autism-Friendly Destinations

Paul and Mary Stein with Daxton share their autism-friendly Myrtle Beach vacation story.


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“Best moment ever was watching my children (all have autism and sensory issues) feel the sand between their toes for the first time.  Priceless ❤”

Maria P.

“This was our son’s very first time seeing the ocean. He struggles with some sensory issues, a learning disorder & anxiety... but the minute he set foot on the beach that evening, he seemed to instantly calm and all was “right” with him. It’s like he finally felt at “home” in the world.”

Mindy A.

“First time on the Skywheel. My daughter is autistic and was scared to get on but once it started she was amazed. We all had a great time and great conversation while checking out places around us. The fact it had air conditioning was amazing. Would have loved to spend more time there. Best family vacation and Myrtle Beach is very autism-friendly.”

Kathi L.

“My daughter was recently diagnosed with autism stage 2, this is her first time at the beach, she was scared as we started walking up but soon she just opened up and ran towards the water... She had the best time splashing with the waves she didn’t want to leave. I think we may have found her calming place ❤️?”