Convention Services Survey Thank you for bringing your group to the Myrtle Beach area. We hope that it was a memorable experience. So that the Myrtle Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau is able to continue with the services you find valuable, and improve upon those where we may have fallen short, we ask that you take one quick moment to rate us accordingly. Please choose a rating in the dropdown for each category. Account Name: First Name: Last Name: Date of Visit: Organization/Group: Group Sales CVB Staff Assistance: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Value of Service Provided: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Lead Service: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Group Services Promotional literature/items provided: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Group Discount Card: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Name Badge Production: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Registration Assistance: --None-- Excellent Good Average Fair Poor N/A Comments Comments: Verification: Red fields are required. Submit Reset