Ultimate Fan Battle is Back!

College athletics are more than just a sport—it's a bond that unites fans across the nation. The roar of the crowd, annual traditions, the cheers and chants, and the adrenaline-pumping action on the field make it an experience like no other. Whether you are a champion of the tailgate or the best-dressed fashionista, there are all types of fans. Visit Myrtle Beach is back for the second year to find the Ultimate Fan in the Ultimate Fan Battle for a chance to win a trip to The Beach!
One grand prize winner from each school will receive a 5 day & 4 nights trip to Myrtle Beach for 2 people, including hotel, attraction or theater tickets and a food credit. This year, the Ultimate Fan Battles invites fans from 12 teams across the country to show us their school spirit.
- A-10 Conference
- Auburn University
- DePaul University
- Georgetown University
- University of Georgia
- University of Kentucky
- MAC Conference
- University of Maryland
- Michigan State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Villanova University
- University of Virginia
Check out more information on all the teams HERE and enter to win!
The Beach is the place where you can be your best self – full of spirit and pride for your college team. So grab your foam finger and practice your cheers, the battle is on!