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Ultimate Fan Battle is Back!

  By  Ashley Daniels

College athletics are more than just a sport—it's a bond that unites fans across the nation. The roar of the crowd, annual traditions, the cheers and chants, and the adrenaline-pumping action on the field make it an experience like no other. Whether you are a champion of the tailgate or the best-dressed fashionista, there are all types of fans. Visit Myrtle Beach is back for the second year to find the Ultimate Fan in the Ultimate Fan Battle for a chance to win a trip to The Beach!

One grand prize winner from each school will receive a 5 day & 4 nights trip to Myrtle Beach for 2 people, including hotel, attraction or theater tickets and a food credit. This year, the Ultimate Fan Battles invites fans from 12 teams across the country to show us their school spirit.

  • A-10 Conference
  • Auburn University
  • DePaul University
  • Georgetown University
  • University of Georgia
  • University of Kentucky
  • MAC Conference
  • University of Maryland
  • Michigan State University
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Villanova University
  • University of Virginia

Check out more information on all the teams HERE and enter to win!

The Beach is the place where you can be your best self – full of spirit and pride for your college team. So grab your foam finger and practice your cheers, the battle is on!

Michigan State Spartans marching band
Pitt fan in rain with Pitt bucket hat and raincoat
Kentucky fan with blue and white checkerboard beard
Villanova fans working a registration table
Happy fan with the Blue Demon mascot
Ashley Daniels

Ashley Daniels of Myrtle Beach is a full-time freelance writer, editor, wife, and mother of three sons and two fur babies. Most recently, she also became a published author of "100 Things to Do in Myrtle Beach Before You Die," part of a bestselling national series. A native of Eastern PA, Ashley received her bachelor’s in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and her MA in Writing from Coastal Carolina University. Today, her folio boasts nearly 25 years of regional and nationally published printed magazine features, blogs, and web copy for a roster of clients, and ADDY award-winning copywriting. For more info, visit