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Hotels on the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk

  By  Ashley Daniels
Family on the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk

The oceanfront Myrtle Beach Boardwalk and Promenade is the heartbeat of Myrtle Beach, pulsing with fun, entertainment, and dining from the Second Avenue Pier to 14th Avenue Pier. And, to be closer to all the action, there are a few oceanfront resorts located right on the boardwalk, so you can stay and play all day!


Check them out here!

Ashley Daniels

Ashley Daniels of Myrtle Beach is a full-time freelance writer, editor, wife, and mother of three sons (not necessarily in that order), and two fur babies. A native of Eastern PA, Ashley received her bachelor’s in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and her MA in Writing from Coastal Carolina University. Today, her folio boasts nearly 25 years of regional and nationally published printed magazine features, blogs, and web copy for a lineup of clients on the East Coast, and ADDY award-winning copywriting. For more info, visit