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Ready to get started?

Begin planning your group outing in Myrtle Beach. Connect with one of our group sales specialists for hotel info, itineraries and more!

Our 60 miles of Beaches are just the start...

Myrtle Beach Group Tours & Reunions offer endless opportunities to connect and explore!

The Myrtle Beach Area of South Carolina is known for its wide sandy beaches and an even wider variety of options to keep groups entertained. Create the perfect tour that offers something for everyone.

Take advantage of 10 top-notch live entertainment theaters, thrilling amusement parks, beautiful sculpture gardens, and an assortment of other activities. Pick your style of shopping at one of three area malls, two factory outlet centers, a multitude of fabulous boutiques, and our newest urban village, Market Common. Let's not forget the activity that keeps folks fueled for fun. 

Dining on the Grand Strand is easy, the difficult part is choosing from more than 2,000 of fine restaurants offering world-class cuisine of all types.

A great location, mild climate, and unrivaled attractions are just a few of the qualities that make the Myrtle Beach area the perfect setting for any kind of gathering. Whether you're planning a family reunion, motorcoach group tour, music festival/performance soiree, student group outingsports group event, or reuniting with fellow retired military friends we invite you to plan your next group get-together with the Myrtle Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau team.

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Inspiration Guide

Get your Official Myrtle Beach Area Meetings and Groups Inspiration Guide.

Motorcoach & Group Tours Guide

View the Motorcoach & Group Tours Guide.

Student Guide

View the Myrtle Beach Student Guide.