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Best Stops on the Myrtle Beach Mini Golf Trail

  By  Shelbi Ankiewicz

Myrtle Beach has several mini golf courses. So many in fact, that it’s nearly impossible to visit all of them during one visit.

To help you better plan your trip, we’ve rounded up fan favorites mini golf, and putt-putt places for you to put on your itinerary.

All these spots will create an exciting adventure for you and your family and each of them has a different theme. Some even have other on-site activities, so you can spend an entire day without ever getting bored!

Our area also offers more than 30 miniature golf courses in all featured on the Myrtle Beach Mini Golf Trail, a free digital pass which you can use to earn unique prizes while you explore the area's courses. 

Shelbi Ankiewicz
Shelbi Ankiewicz is a senior at Coastal Carolina University studying communication, journalism, and intercultural studies. She is originally from Montgomery, Alabama, but has resided in Myrtle Beach for 14 years. She is the Editor-in-Chief of CCU's student newspaper, The Chanticleer, and is a member of a two-year leadership program called the Wall Fellows. Shelbi enjoys trying new restaurants, traveling to major cities in the SouthEast, and attending concerts. In her free time you can find her hanging out with her frenchton bulldog, Oma, or visiting the local trails Myrtle Beach has to offer.

Explore the Trail Today!

Get ready to tee off with your passport to more than 30 of the most fun miniature golf experiences around. Immerse yourself in exciting themed landscapes, from swashbuckling pirate adventures and tropical oases to glowing inter-dimensional challenges and out of the world encounters. Get our digital pass to unlock great discounts and one-of-a-kind rewards that will make you the coolest putt putt patron in town. Sign up for the FREE Myrtle Beach Mini Golf Trail pass today or click here for more details .