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Ultimate Fan Battle

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Show Your Villanova Wildcat Fandom!

Visit Myrtle Beach and VILLANOVA are searching for the ultimate VILLANOVA fan because WILDCATS belong at The Beach! Enter below for a chance to win a vacation to #MyrtleBeach to show off your VILLANOVA fandom!

Thank You Villanova Wildcats for participating in the Ultimate Fan Battle!

We'll Battle Again in the Fall!

Lauren H. you are an Ultimate Villanova Fan!
Two Villanova basketball fans
Three lady Villanova basketball fans

Villanova University's Ultimate Fan Battle

The  winner will claim the title of Villanova Wildcats Ultimate Sports Fan and will receive:

  • 5 days, 4 nights for up to 2 at Oceanfront Accommodations
  • 2 tickets to 2 Myrtle Beach Area Attractions or Theaters
  • $100 food credit
  • Four (4) all-inclusive tickets to a ‘24-‘25 game @ Wells Fargo Center

*The contest will run from September 1st, 2023 through February 29th, 2024.