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Loris, South Carolina

An Abundance Of Southern Charm Awaits

Located in the northern end of the Myrtle Beach area and just a short drive inland, Loris began as a railroad town serving the lumber industry in the late 1880s. Loris is also the birthplace of chicken bog, a traditional Southern dish consisting of rice, chicken, sausage, and spices. In celebration of this scrumptious dish, the community hosts the annual Loris Bog-Off Festival each year which draws thousands to the area. Additionally, a revitalized downtown offers shopping, dining and a local farmer’s market with a feast of fresh produce and home baked goods.

Crowd Walking around at the Loris bog-off
Pot of chicken bog at Loris bog off
People cooking a big pot of chicken bog at Loris bog off
Beyond the Beach: Explore Loris, SC

Loris, South Carolina is a quaint town about 40 mles inland from Myrtle Beach. It boasts loads of Southern charm, and it's home to the annual Loris Bog Off Festival each October!

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Loris Chamber of Commerce

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