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Aynor, South Carolina

Little Town, Big Soul

Founded more than a century ago, the small town of Aynor is located 35 miles inland on Highway 501. Celebrated for its friendliness, the community is referred to as “Little Golden Town.” September brings the famed Harvest Hoe-Down Festival to Aynor, where country living is celebrated with food, games, music, and fun for the entire family. 

Kids marching in the Aynor Hoe Down Parade with banner
Group of vendors at Aynor Hoe Down Festival
Marching Band at the Aynor Hoe Down Parade
Beyond the Beach: Explore Aynor, SC

Join us as Visit Myrtle Beach explores all the restaurants, things to do, and history that makes Aynor, SC a must-see town while visiting the Myrtle Beach area.

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Aynor Area Chamber of Commerce

More Aynor Resources