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Explore The Beach

Myrtle Beach Marathon
The upcoming Myrtle Beach Marathon will draw around 4,000 runners to the area! Residents and...
knife ceremony chef swap
The second season of Chef Swap at the Beach is airing soon on the Cooking...
Man golfing at Marshwalk Masters Event in Murrells Inlet
Spring is a sign of the thaw, the melting of the snow, nature coming back...
One of the largest car shows in the Southeast! The 35th Annual Run to the...
Belk's women's fashions, ladies in blue dresses
To commemorate Women’s History Month in March, we’re recognizing some amazing women-owned businesses in the...
Couple walking under the pier in Myrtle Beach
Dunes Beach and Golf aerial location of 2024 Myrtle Beach Classic
If you read my blogs, you’ve noticed that I’m passionate about golf and I personally...
Legends Golf Parkland Course rolling fairways and greens
One thing that Myrtle Beach prides itself on is its golf culture. It’s a sport...
Vacationers have been welcomed to the Grand Strand for well over a century. However, during...
wheels of yesteryear
For all of those who need to drive fast, want to have fun, and look...
Michelle Obama grew up in Chicago, but would travel with her family to Georgetown, South...