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Explore The Beach

Sensory-Friendly Autism Beach Surfside
The Grand Strand boasts some of the most beautiful beaches you will ever visit! The...
No need to feel blue on a rainy day! I know the feeling of disappointment...
beach easy beer
Welcome to the sun-kissed shores of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where the ocean breeze carries...
Did you know that Myrtle Beach has a Minor League Baseball team? The Myrtle Beach...
You may not know that Myrtle Beach is known for more than our beaches and...
Take a ride through the ups and downs In a couple of months, tens of...
The Sky Wheel in Myrtle Beach with Red and Blue Autism Colored lights
The month of April is special for families with autism — it is a national...
Originally from Canada, you are probably thinking that the first sport I practiced was hockey...
Surfside Beach was the first town in the nation to become autism certified. Autism certification...