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The Best Way to Pack a Beach Bag

  By  Nora Battle

The Best Way to Pack a Beach Bag

Before you head out to enjoy the 60 miles of coastline in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, rethink the way you pack your beach bag. By packing only the necessities and by packing them smartly, you’ll cut down on the time it takes to get to the beach and enjoy it more once you’re there.

  • Roll your towel and/or blanket tightly. Slide it into your beach bag vertically, so you’ll be able to pull it out of your bag first.
  • Heavier items are best suited for the bottom of your beach bag. Things like a book and water bottle should go in first.
  • Keep items that tend to make messes—like sunscreen—in a plastic bag or cosmetic bag to protect from spills.
  • Assuming you plan on wearing your bathing suit and cover up to the beach, roll up a change of clothes for later and add a beach hat to the bag. Pack an extra plastic bag for your wet suit when you leave, if you plan on changing.
  • Protect electronics by putting them in their cases and then inside a plastic bag. Also inside that bag it’s smart to include other smaller items like your sunglasses and/or sunglasses case.
  • Instead of taking your entire wallet out onto the beach, it’s easier to just take the basics: cash, a driver’s license and your ATM card. The same rule applies to your keys. All should be kept in a waterproof container or plastic bag, and it’s best to store them in a separate zippered compartment.

By simplifying your beach bag packing technique, you increase your chances of being able to completely relax and unwind once seaside.

Visit Myrtle Beach

We are the area's official online vacation guide which offers everything you need to plan a perfect vacation to the Myrtle Beach Area. Plan your stay online and choose from a wide assortment of accommodation options including Myrtle Beach hotels, resorts, small motels, condos, beach homes, and additional types of vacation rentals. From oceanfront resorts along the entire Grand Strand to cozy beach homes and vacation rentals in North and South Myrtle Beach, including Surfside Beach and Garden City, find the amenities and location perfect for you.