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Sensory-Friendly Tips for a Pelicans Baseball Game

  By  Rebecca Jeffreys

It may seem that a setting such as a noisy baseball game would be too much for a person with autism but there are ways to make it fun and manageable! 

The Pelicans Ballpark is the home of the Myrtle Beach Pelicans, the minor league affiliate of the Chicago Cubs in the Low-A East.  Parking is easy, and with seating for 6599 people there is always a chance you can get a ticket.

Upon entering the park I immediately felt nostalgic for all the Red Sox and minor league games I had seen in New England. With the Pelicans now being my new home team, I was inspired to buy some swag at the first booth inside the door. This park is small, intimate and easy to maneuver. Before you have located your seats there are a few things you can do to ensure a fun evening.

  1. Bring noise canceling headphones. Between the crowds, the organ music and general noise, it can get pretty loud. 

  2. Pick a place to grab food before you sit down. Options include The Clark & Addison Grille which is located down the right field line of the ballpark. The grille is named for the two cross streets, Clark and Addison, which are outside of Wrigley Field in Chicago. The Clark and Addison Grille also features a replica of the Wrigley Field marquee and a picnic area. Chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw, chips, cookies, tea, lemonade and water are all available. Budweiser Thirst Inning Deck also serves food and drink. Friday nights are family nights which means for $25 you can get 4 hotdogs, 4 drinks and a bucket of popcorn. Family nights also include post game fireworks and a chance to run around the bases for those under age 12. Check the Pelicans website for other special promotions.

  3. Be prepared for heat. It can get pretty hot in the stands in mid August so a hand held fan may be helpful. Thankfully the stadium seating faces east so the setting sun is not an issue for your eyes.

  4. Consider buying swag before you go so you can get right to your seats. Many options such as hats and t-shirts, are available on the Pelicans website.  

  5. Bring your own drinks such as water bottles, sippy cups or any other necessary beverage that makes your kids happy.

  6. Leave at the top of the last inning to avoid the crowds as they exit.

  7. Rent a suite. This may sound extravagant but it can really make for a wonderful experience. Suites seat 20-40 people and include catered meals and a personal attendant. The temperature controlled room has a large glass window with unobstructed views of the field. Ten seats are available outside for those who want to be part of the action. Inside, the noise level is considerably lower and the room is comfy and personal. 

  8. Be prepared to educate your kids about baseball and consider catching a game on TV before you go. Your kids may have a ton of questions and they might even be fascinated by the stats. The more you can help them understand the game, the better chance you will have a fellow baseball fan in the family. 

  9. While at the game keep an eye out for the mascot; Splash, the pelican and Rally, the shark. They love photo opportunities with everyone. Between innings, entertainment abounds on the field such as tricycle races, T-shirt throwing or baseball catching with a net. You and your kids can walk about freely to discover hidden corners of the park that are just for the kids. Be sure to watch for the batdog who helps retrieve used bats from the field.The Pelicans love kids and even provide activities on their website such as coloring pages, dot-to-dot, word games, sudoku, and madlibs. They also can help celebrate a birthday with a special party of fifteen or more that includes tickets, food, a fun zone bracelet, a baseball and a chance to throw the first pitch. Prices start at $27/person.

The Myrtle Beach Pelicans are Champion Autism Network Certified Champions. Buy you tickets on-line and use code CAN2023 for $3 off each ticket. We are proud to have them as part of the CAN family and it’s a homerun for our autism families!

Rebecca Jeffreys

Rebecca Jeffreys is an autism mom, dog lover and former classical musician. She is the author of “You Were Made for This- Finding Courage and Intuition for Raising a Child with Autism.” In addition to writing, Rebecca is on the staff of Champion Autism Network which raises autism awareness and support around the nation. Rebecca has lived in Alabama, Maryland, Virginia, New York and Massachusetts, but the south won her heart and so she settled in Myrtle Beach in 2021. She and her family enjoy the beach life and visit local restaurants on a regular basis.