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Grand Strand Lodging Facilities Are Ready When You Are

  By  Julie Ellis

Grand Strand Lodging Facilities Are Ready When You Are

The current pandemic has certainly caused many changes in the way hospitality businesses operate. Hotels, resorts, RV parks, and other Myrtle Beach area lodging providers have worked diligently to come up with new sanitation policies to help reduce transmission of the virus to protect their employees and visitors.

When you make plans to visit, be sure to check out the healthy travel efforts your lodging provider has made. You’ll notice that many are offering touch-free pre-check-in procedures. You’ll also find plexiglass dividers, mask policies, six-foot markings on the floor to remind you to social distance, arrows to help you navigate lobbies so as not to come face-to-face with other guests, hand sanitizing stations, and more. Remember to follow all guidelines when you visit, as they are in place for your safety.

In this video, Caribbean Resort & Villas in Myrtle Beach shows what you can expect at their facility.


For additional information on how you can do your part to promote health and safety, check out our Healthy Travel page at, which includes tips from the CDC, the latest details on business that are open (or closed), and COVID-19-related news and updates from South Carolina, Horry County and the many cities throughout the Grand Strand. The page also includes information on the new mask mandates.

Myrtle Beach is ready, when you’re ready to meet again.

Julie Ellis

A graduate of Purdue University, Julie's been a radio personality since 2010, she's a published author and has worked in public relations for more than 20 years, most recently in the tourism industry.