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Best Tips for Finding Shark Teeth in Myrtle Beach

  By  Nora Battle

While the water may be a little too cold for some people right now, it is the perfect time to search for shark teeth in the sandy coastline. We have a few tricks up our sleeves for finding shark teeth that will be helpful in your next adventure to The Beach this spring. Check out our tips on how to find shark teeth below.

First, our easy tricks to find shark teeth. Most shark teeth are found in central Myrtle Beach anywhere between 50th Avenue North all the way down to 10th Avenue South, however, you can also find a few in Murrells Inlet and Pawleys Island.

Look For Black And Shiny Pieces

A common misconception is that shark teeth are white – and they are white when they fall out, but then turn black from fossilization. They will also be shiny from the water.

Look When The High Tide Is Rolling In

Shark teeth can be found at all times of the day, but you may have more luck when the high tide is rolling in, as the waves will carry the shark teeth to shore. Shark teeth are also commonly found along the shell beds when the tide is coming in and rolling over the beds. The rolling tides pull away the sand to reveal the black shiny shark teeth.

How Do You Know It’s A Shark Tooth?

Often people pick something up that looks black and think it's a shark tooth. The best way to tell if it’s a real shark tooth is to see if it has ridges and a gum line near the top. Also, you probably won’t be able to break it as shark teeth are very strong.



With over 60-miles of uninterrupted shoreline, you can walk for miles and miles exploring a variety of beaches in search of shark's teeth to take home as your souvenir!

We hope these tips and tricks help you find the elusive sharks’ teeth to bring home with you – a reminder that The Beach is always waiting for you to come back and visit again!


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