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Enjoy High-Flying Fun With a Parasailing Adventure!

  By  Visit Myrtle Beach

Looking to elevate your Myrtle Beach experience to new heights? Look no further than parasailing! Nestled along the stunning Grand Strand are some of the best parasailing companies, offering exhilarating adventures high above the Atlantic Ocean. Whether you're a thrill-seeker or just looking to soak in breathtaking views from a unique vantage point, parasailing in Myrtle Beach promises an unforgettable experience. Here are some of my favorite Myrtle Beach Area parasailing companies. Check them out next time you’re in the Grand Strand and feel like flying.

Julie Ellis

A graduate of Purdue University, Julie's been a radio personality since 2010, she's a published author and has worked in public relations for more than 20 years, most recently in the tourism industry.