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Beyond the Beach: Cooking Classes at the International Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach

  By  Ashley Daniels

Beyond the Beach: Cooking Classes at the International Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach

The International Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach (ICI) is cooking up some exciting new things! This spring and summer, they are offering several cooking classes, covering a wide variety of cuisine, and available for a range of skill levels. They offer weekly courses with options for kids and adults! The International Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach is located in the beautiful Market Common area, not far from the heart of Myrtle Beach.

These classes are all taught by masters in their craft – showing you real chef techniques to cook and bake perfectly when you go back home to your kitchen. You will also have the opportunity to use the state-of-the-art technology located in the test kitchens at ICI.

Anyone who can (or can’t cook!) can join culinary, baking and pastry boot camps, and take a variety of classes such as, Cookie Baking/Decorating, Baking Brunch, Cooking Locally and Seasonally, and ABCs of BBQ.

And who still loves sourdough bread after the craze in 2020? We certainly do! Learn the art of baking sourdough in a hands-on bread baking class. If baking isn't for you, stop by the Layers Bakery located on the ICI campus for some delicious sweet treats. 

Broaden your horizons in the Taste of India, Art of Parisian Macarons, or Mexican Cuisine classes to show off your international culinary skills to your family and friends at your next dinner party.

The ICI is also offering Youth Summer Camps and Classes with classes ranging from Food Science to Brookie and Cookie Baking to Teen Snack Attack. All of these classes provide a hands-on experience for your kids and teens to learn to experiment and have fun in the kitchen. There are also two Bootcamp options for Teens that offer a week of all day instruction to learn the basics of cooking and kitchen fundamentals.

Check out Horry Georgetown Technical College’s full range of culinary classes here


Ashley Daniels

Ashley Daniels of Myrtle Beach is a full-time freelance writer, editor, wife, and mother of three sons (not necessarily in that order), and two fur babies. A native of Eastern PA, Ashley received her bachelor’s in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh and her MA in Writing from Coastal Carolina University. Today, her folio boasts nearly 25 years of regional and nationally published printed magazine features, blogs, and web copy for a lineup of clients on the East Coast, and ADDY award-winning copywriting. For more info, visit