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Explore The Beach

Chicken Bog plate at Loris Bog Off
I’ll never forget the moment when I first learned that the whole world didn’t know...
The Grandfather of Myrtle Beach Golf, Robert White, is considered one of the pioneers of...
A new festival full of color, storytelling, and abundant information is hitting the Grand Strand...
You are vacationing with your family this summer in Myrtle Beach, and you want to...
Kids on the beach for 4th of July
The Grand Strand is the perfect place to celebrate Independence Day. Myrtle Beach is home...
Edventure , our local branch of the Columbia Children's Museum, is now bigger and better...
Crooked Hammock Family Games
It’s that time of year to celebrate Dad on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19! And...
We quizzed plenty of locals (and a few tourists too) to come up with our...
The Myrtle Beach, South Carolina area is noted for amazing wildlife and for those who...
Sandy Island is steeped in both history and mystery for many locals and is virtually...
Juneteenth is a national holiday that marks the liberation of slaves after the Civil War...
Country music fans and others welcome Kenny Chesney back to the CCMF, the Carolina Country...