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Explore The Beach

Mini Golf Course at Red Dragon Cove
It’s been a long time since a new miniature golf course has opened along the...
Welcome to the Beach! We’re glad to have you! There are so many different types...
When you enter Myrtle Beach’s Market Common District which is located just south of the...
Halloween pumpkins in trees in Conway
It's the time of year with a little chill in the air, ghost stories are...
Myrtle Beach Craft Beer at Crooked Hammock
When you’re vacationing in Myrtle Beach it’s easy to find yourself wondering which touristy places...
Waccamaw Indian Chef at the Waccamaw Indian Festival
In the late 1980s, an archeological survey of what was then the Myrtle Beach Air...
Kayaking to Waites Island in North Myrtle Beach
When visiting a coastal city, you must go to the beach at some point, but...
Chicken Bog is a staple in South Carolina and is made with chicken, rice, smoked...
Chili cook off
When you meet Domino Ireland for the first time, you’re instantly drawn to his enthusiasm...
History lovers visiting Myrtle Beach may not realize how much there is to discover about...
Lulu's Ropes Course in North Myrtle Beach
So you’ve checked the kids’ school schedule and see (with glee) that you have a...