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The Beach ❤S The Arts

Cultural Events & Attractions In Myrtle Beach

We're known for our warm days and 60 miles of  beaches, but The Beach is SO MUCH more than just another sandy shore. In addition to our great restaurants and family-friendly attractions, the Myrtle Beach area hosts more than 1,000 arts and cultural events every year ranging from classical music and jazz concerts to live theater performances, musicals and plays. There's art shows, exhibits, gallery openings, author events, poetry readings and fantastic festivals full of cultural delights. We even have awe-inspiring attractions like Brookgreen Gardens — featuring the largest selection figurative sculpture in the U.S. — and the all-new Myrtle Beach Arts & Gallery Trail, featuring more than 100 stops around the Grand Strand. So don't wait ... get to The Beach today and enjoy all the culture we have to offer!

myrtle beach arts and gallery trail logo

Myrtle Beach Arts & Gallery Trail

This trail is a unique tour through The Beach’s arts scene that you won’t want to miss! Explore 14 unique communities and visit iconic areas such as historic downtown Conway, the quaint “Little Golden Town” of Aynor and the newly-minted Arts & Innovation District of Myrtle Beach. Throughout this tour you’ll find great galleries, unique museums and art-filled attractions as well as oceanfront sculptures, enormous alleyway murals and secret underground passages filled with art.

Showing Results 7-12 of 14
Arts & Crafts Events
Art In The Park
October 12, 2024 - October 13, 2024