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Learning Meets Fun When You Plan a Student Trip to Myrtle Beach

Experience The Beach — #1 for Youth Group Travel, Performance & Educational Opportunities

Bring your next student group trip to The Beach.

Myrtle Beach welcomes student groups with a diverse array of educational and exhilarating experiences. From delving into the region's history at the Horry County Museum and L.W. Paul Living History Farm to exploring the marine wonders at Ripley's Aquarium and engaging in interactive learning at Wonderworks, there's a world of knowledge to uncover. The adventure extends to Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show, a thrilling Banana Boat Express ride, and a captivating dolphin cruise, offering unique ways to learn and have fun.

This coastal haven is not just about the attractions; with 60 miles of pristine beaches, over 2,000 dining venues, and activities like amusement parks, go-carts, and mini-golf, Myrtle Beach caters to every interest. The 14 distinctive coastal communities along the Grand Strand further enrich the experience, making Myrtle Beach an ideal destination for student groups seeking a memorable mix of education, adventure, and relaxation.

Ready to get started?

Begin planning your group outing in Myrtle Beach. Connect with one of our group sales specialists for hotel info, itineraries and more!